Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have no doubt that a Power Greater Than Me knows the outcome of all this, but I have no idea. It is late August 1966 and my father has taken me to the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. There is an old wooden rollercoaster there that they called the Mighty Flyer. By the extreme “no speed is too high and no cost is too much” standards of today, the thing was a little baby bear, but for in 1966 it was huge. So you click, click, click, up the top of the first hill and you for a second, seem to stop, but you know the ride is about to start.

So here I am in February 7, 2010, and I feel the same way. I know that I am supposed to show up at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute tomorrow at six in the morning and after that it is all beyond my control.

I am overwhelmed by my good fortune in all of this. I have been pain free. The problem was discovered before anything catastrophic happened. The support and love of friends was overwhelming. I am not Catholic, but my wife is, and I was at Mass yesterday and the priest announced my line that “I want prayer for my healers and not me”. He said that he was praying for both me and my healers that I thought was pretty all right. What's more, they prayed for me at the Lutheran Church in Ottawa today. Wow!! Two days, two churches, two prayers. I have this blog, that is therapeutic for me. My employer has been golden. The University of Ottawa Heart Institute has been golden. My wife has been platinum. The beagle and cats are showing mild concern. I feel that I am much better at hearing the voice of God.

It is a bit before noon as I write this. I want this recorded in this blog. I am one of the most blessed people on this planet and I do not have the vocabulary or skill to express my true gratitude.

I am not sure when we shall next meet but I intend to keep coming back.

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