Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I really miss the running. When I first started, it was a drudgery, but it soon became a habit and then became an addiction. It was a good way to start the day. Getting up at 5:30, having a coffee and a banana, and then being out before six was very satisfying. Since I started running in July the darkness crept up in the morning very slowly, but by October of course, I was running in the dark and seeing the constellations of late winter in the sky. I sometimes did a dusk run and that for some reason, did not seem as rewarding. The morning run just made the day better.
My ten dollar cap light from the Running Room was the best buy I made. My reflective biking jacket kept me safe. I ran in Ontario, in Quebec and in Newfoundland. I ran with deer. Cats stared at me with bored contempt. People would wave at me. Chipmunks would make way for me. I felt like Springsteen’s “Growing Up” Well the flag of piracy flew from my mast, my sails were set wing to wing
The allure is there and I am going to be back. The path may be different than I choose but that is okay because I am a pretty boring and unimaginative guy. It is good when my Source Of All Positive Energy puts me on the trail less run.

1 comment:

  1. "The morning run just made the day better."
    I don't understand. I just don't understand. Mind you I can hear the other runners saying "she really doesn't get it, does she?"
    Allure? Not for me.....
