Friday, November 20, 2009

What a day! I had some pants that were supposed to be ready today in Ottawa and they weren’t. The horror! The agony! Oh for crying out loud I am kidding! I do not care about pants. (Well I do of course, I don’t look good without pants but having pants on time is not a deal breaker)
I came back from Napanee today and had a meeting in Kingston on the way. A colleague, whose wife is expecting twins, showed me a picture of the ultrasound and I must say the twins looked like my echo cardiogram. Add to conspiracy theory profile – all ultrasounds are fakes – they tell you want they want.
The guy who has problems today is poor Richard Colvin. Nothing like having your reputation and credibility dragged through the slime and the muck by senior government ministers for the sin of telling the truth as you saw it. But the Prime Minister seems to be having his ass coated in polytetrafluoroethylene. I wonder where this will sit a week today.
Of course the Irish Soccer team is not exactly thrilled either.
Of course a week today at this time my plan is to be recovering from my angiogram and angioplasty. That may not be the plan of the Source of All Positive Energy but I am praying for acceptance.
I hear that Oprah is retiring. Her and I are the same age. The neat thing is that I would not trade places with her for all of her money. Really.
Hey , but I am now a published author. I have article in the Salivation Army Magazine Faith and Friends for December and on their website as well. Makes up for me wimping out on the Santa Shuffle.

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